19th November 2023
Lectionary readings: Judges 4: 1-7, Thessalonians 5:1-11, Matthew 25:14-30Psalm 123
Welcome to Worship Led by Revd Susan Holden
We extend a warm welcome to all and pray that all who worship here today will find our Lord’s presence. Following the ‘Prayer for Today’ we will remain silent for a few moments until the Shepherd window is lit and then we will sing the Introit.
PRAYER FOR TODAY. Lord, we are here this day, eyes open to your love, ears attentive to your voice, lives ready for your influence. We come and wait, to discover who you are. Speak your words of life that our lives may be transformed, and your good news set free for the world. Amen
INTROIT: Jesus stand among us at the meeting of our lives,
Be our sweet agreement at the meeting of our eyes.
O Jesus, we love you, so we gather here
Join our hearts in unity and take away our fear.
Coffee and tea will be served in the Foyer after the service. Please bring them into the church ready for the AGM and GENERAL CHURCH MEETING which will follow the service.
The members of Church Council are appointed at the AGM – some of the current members wish to stand down – new people are needed on the council. If you could help in this way please speak to Susan.
SHOE BOXES – 101 are packed and ready for collection on 20th November. £180 has been raised towards the cost of sending them. Many thanks to all who contributed in any way
CRAFT and CHATTER-November 27th, 2 – 4 p.m.
ADVENT STUDY GROUP - starts on 29th November 10am for about an hour. The book we're following is called “Journeying with The Magi”: An Advent Course in the Celtic Tradition, By Keith Duke. If you would like to buy the book it can be found on Amazon.
NEXT SUNDAY Nov 26th ,10.30 a.m. Worship led by: Isobel Smears
3rd December 10. 30 a.m.: Advent service led by Revd Susan Holden
17th December10 a.m. Carols in the Mall with Churches Together in Warminster
3.30 p.m. Carol Service led by Joe Amoah
21st December 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Family Activity Day – The Journey to Christmas
24th December 10.30 a.m. worship led by Revd Susan Holden
25th December Christmas service led by Erica Castle. We will be joined by our friends from the Baptist church.
If you can supply some mince pies for after the Carol service, please see Hilda Hanks
If you could help with the Family Activity Day, please see Karen or Joan. Susan is collecting cardboard egg boxes and toilet roll/kitchen roll middles for a craft activity – please give her any you have to spare.
NEWSLETTER is due out end of November – articles, information for inclusion to Joan this week please.
COFFEE MORNINGS. The list for 2024 coffee mornings is on the notice board in the foyer. There are some dates filled in but many still to fill. It has been suggested that one is run in aid of the Farming Community Network we heard about at Harvest and another for Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. If you would be willing to run a coffee morning for either of these, or your chosen charity, please either put on the list or speak to Joan Jones