Warminster United Church (Methodist/URC)
Minister: Revd Craig Manley 01249818923 craig.manley@methodist.org.uk
Lectionary readings: Malachi 3: 1-4, Philippians : 3-11, Luke 3: 1-6 Psalm 75
2nd Sunday in Advent
8th December 2024 10.30 a.m.
Welcome to Worship led by Margaret White
We extend a warm welcome to all and pray that all who worship here today will find our Lord’s presence. Following the ‘Prayer for Today’ we will remain silent for a few moments until the Shepherd window is lit and then we will sing the Introit and the first Advent Candle will be lit.
PRAYER FOR TODAY: Advent God, keep us from hurrying towards Christmas lest we reach it too soon and miss some of its wonder and mystery. May we wait with patience while you prepare us to celebrate the festival. May we watch for your surprises as unannounced and incognito, you come into our lives each day Amen
INTROIT for Advent. (We will sing chorus and one verse of no 166 in Singing the Faith each week as candles are lit)
Week 2. “Christmas is coming!” The Church is glad to sing,
and let the advent candles brightly burn in a ring
2} The second for the prophets, who said that Christ would come
With good news for many and angry words for some.
NEXT SUNDAY: CAROL SERVICE at 3.30 p.m. led by Revd Craig Manley.
There will be a collection for Crisis at Christmas.
Refreshments after the service -If you can supply some mince pies for after the service, please tell Hilda
There will also be a short service of prayer and reflection at 10.30 a.m. led by Karen
Gifts for Foodbank can be placed in crib by the Christmas tree.
Donations for Shelter should go in the pink box (in foyer) by the Christmas card, which you are invited to sign
COFFEE MORNING: Next Saturday 14th December for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Offers of help, cakes etc, please see Anita
December 22nd: 10.30 a.m. Communion service led by Revd Craig Manley
29th: 10.30 a.m. SECTOR SERVICE at our church led by Revd Craig Manley
refreshments to follow, contributions of cakes welcomed.
CHRISTMAS DAY we are warmly invited to join with our friends at the Baptist church, in North Row for their Worship at 10a.m.
There will be a COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS LUNCH on CHRISTMAS DAY in the Park Community Centre. To book a place phone 07448147041. Optional £10 donation
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