December 29th notices

Macintosh HD:Users:johnalpin:Desktop:URC-LOGO-blue-small.png Macintosh HD:Users:johnalpin:Desktop:re_methodist_logo_lowres.gif   Warminster United Church (Methodist/URC)

  Minister: Revd Craig Manley 01249818923    



Lectionary readings: 1 Samuel 2: 18-20, 26, Colossians 3: 12-17, Luke 2; 41-52 Psalm 148

29th December 2024 10.30 a.m.  

Welcome to Worship led by Revd Craig Manley

At our Sector Service

We extend a warm welcome to all from around the sector and pray that all who worship here today will find our Lord’s presence. Following the ‘Prayer for Today’ we will remain silent for a few moments until the Shepherd window is lit and then we will sing the Introit.


PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord God, we continue to celebrate the mystery of your coming in Jesus.  As we come together in worship, we remember the danger that followed your birth.  Lord, you came into the real world with real dangers to make real the God who is with his people at all times.  As we worship you today in the same world, with all its needs, may we be conscious of your presence with us Amen.


INTROIT:      As with gladness men of old did the guiding start behold,

                 As with joy they hailed its light, leading onwards, beaming bright,

                 So, most gracious Lord, may we evermore be led to thee.


Please join us after the service, for refreshments and further fellowship, in the Cameo room.



NEXT SUNDAY 5th January, 10.30 a.m. worship led by Revd Graham Warmington


Services for the rest of January: 12th 10.30 a.m.  led by Revd Heather Morgan

                                            19th, 10.30 a.m.  led by Karen Woollard

3p.m. on 19th    A special “WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY”, combined churches service at our church –  with light refreshments to follow

                              26th 10.30 a.m. COVENANT SERVICE led by Revd Craig Manley HOLY COMMUNION


COFFEE MORNING 11th January will be for World Vision, who supply free material for our work with families at some of our Activity days. World Vision has a long history of taking action that transforms the world. Their focus is on helping the most vulnerable children, in the most difficult places, overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. They're often among the first to help when a crisis strikes.

Offers of help, cakes and items to sell to Joan or Karen please.


There are still a lot of spaces on the calendar of charity coffee mornings for 2025 – please offer to run one for your chosen charity.


WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY, from 20th to 24th January there will be meetings at 12 noon with prayer, discussion and light lunch. 20th St Georg’s, 21st The Minster, 22nd Foundation Christian Fellowship, 23rd Baptist, 24th Christ Church.




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