Warminster United Church (Methodist/URC)
Minister: Revd Craig Manley 01249818923 craig.manley@methodist.org.uk
Lectionary readings: Micah 5: 2-5a, Hebrews 10:5-10, Luke 1: 39-45 (46-55) Psalm 80 v 1-7
4th Sunday in Advent
22nd December 2024 10.30 a.m.
Welcome to Worship including Holy Communion led by Revd Craig Manley
We extend a warm welcome to all and pray that all who worship here today will find our Lord’s presence. Following the ‘Prayer for Today’ we will remain silent for a few moments until the Shepherd window is lit and then we will sing the Introit and the Advent Candle will be lit.
PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord, we give you praise for this season where we celebrate your birth. We thank you as we reflect on your joy, peace and grace. May you give us wisdom and the opportunity to be a blessing to others. Be with us all, we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
INTROIT for Advent. (We will sing chorus and one verse of no 166 in Singing the Faith each week as candles are lit)
Week 4. “Christmas is coming!” The Church is glad to sing,
and let the advent candles brightly burn in a ring
4} The fourth is for the Virgin, who mothered God’s own son
And sang how God’s justice was meant for everyone.
DONATIONS FOR HOMELESS PEOPLE should go in the pink box (in foyer) by the Christmas card, which you are invited to sign with greetings to all. Please read other’s greetings!
NEXT SUNDAY ,29th December: 10.30 a.m. SECTOR SERVICE at our church led by Revd Craig Manley
refreshments to follow, contributions of cakes welcomed.
CHRISTMAS DAY we are warmly invited to join with our friends at the Baptist church, in North Row for their Worship at 10a.m.
There will be a COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS LUNCH on CHRISTMAS DAY in the Park Community Centre. To book a place phone 07448147041. Optional £10 donation. Happy Days Taxis are offering free lifts to this 07824901741
SERVICES FOR JANUARY: 5th, 10.30 a.m. Revd Graham Warmington
12th 10.30 a.m. Revd Heather Morgan
19th, 10.30 a.m. Karen Woollard
3p.m. WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY, combined churches service at our church –
light refreshments to follow
26th 10.30 a.m. COVENANT SERVICE led by Revd Craig Manley HOLY COMMUNION
COFFEE MORNING 11th January will be for World Vision. Offers of help, cakes and items to sell to Joan or Karen please. There are still a lot of spaces on the calendar of coffee mornings for 2025 – please offer to run one for your chosen charity.
WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY, from 20th to 24th January there will be meetings at 12 noon with prayer, discussion and light lunch. 20th St Georg’s, 21st The Minster, 22nd Foundation Christian Fellowship, 23rd Baptist, 24th Christ Church.
Please take this sheet away with you.