updated worship details


SUNDAY SERVICES 10.30 a.m. (unless otherwise stated)




MARCH 2nd                Revd Heather Morgan

        9th            Karen Woollard

        16th          Revd Craig Manley                      HOLY COMMUNION

        23rd           Revd Maree Farrimond

        30th          SECTOR SERVICE at CORSHAM

APRIL 6th           Mrs Shirley Cairns

        13th          Erica Castle and Karen Woollard     PALM SUNDAY

        20th          Revd Heather Morgan                  EASTER SUNDAY

        27th          Revd Craig Manley                      HOLY COMMUNION

MAY 4th            Erica Castle

        11th          Revd Heather Morgan                   HOLY COMMUNION

        18th           Clive Illman

        25th          Bob Farrimond


Calne Methodist Church zoom their services.  All are welcome. 

Please use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3854225136 Meeting ID: 385 422 5136


Ash Wednesday 5th March – Karen will lead a short meditation at 10 a.m.


World Day of Prayer: - Friday 7th March at the Baptist Church, North Row.

Service at 12.00 noon followed by soup and a roll.



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