NOTE POST CODE - The correct  post code is BA12 8QA - 10 George Street.

WEBSITE UPDATED  - 12th March 2025 :- 


Welcome to the web site of the United Church, George Street, Warminster, Wilts. If you can not find what you need to know please contact us.We are delighted you are visiting our website but please don't leave it at that - Come and see us in person - you will receive a warm welcome!

Weekly Notices with details of  worship, events and activities are here

Worship  arrangements for 2025 are detailed in the weekly notice ; Sunday morning worship is at 10.30 am, unless otherwies announced.

Newsletters - here - Winter 2024/2025 - December, January, February


If you require assistance please contact your Pastoral Carer in the first instance.  If you do not know who your Pastoral Carer is, then please contact anyone in the church that you know and they will do their best to help.

Email contact - Please contact us by using this Form

Mission Statement

Our mission is to celebrate God’s love:

To make deciples of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit

in worship that is within the Methodist  and Reformed tradition

in fellowship that is inclusive, supportive, challenging and affirming

in service tand mission hat extends the love we share within our own community to the wider World.

In all things we hope, through the help of the Holy Spirit, to be true disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. 


Rev. Craig Manley  Tel:  01249 818923     email:

Webmaster:  John Alpin

For General Enquiries - Please contact us by using this Form

For Room HIre Enquiries please contact  via the above form



This Week

Sunday 30th March
10:00am - 11:00am -
Monday 31st March
2:00pm - 4:00pm -
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